Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Yes, Tutoring Services

Yes, Tutoring ServicesYes, Tutoring is the term that is used for the tutoring service of Massachusetts which helps students in Massachusetts to get a chance to attend college without having to pay high amounts of money. Yes, Tutoring acts as a middle-man between the student and the colleges so that they can select one among many.In Massachusetts, there are some colleges which provide free tutoring services to students who are not able to attend classes regularly because of financial or other reasons. In this case, the tutors help in assisting the students in answering the questions and solving the problems that arise during the course of their studies.The tutors of Yes Tutoring Texas help in providing knowledge and understanding to the students as well as enhancing their learning skills by helping them to know what they are doing wrong in certain lessons and how to avoid it. A number of schools and colleges of Texas also use Yes Tutoring Texas tutors. In fact, Yes Tutoring Texas offe rs tutoring services to students in Texas too.If you want to find out about Yes Tutoring Texas tutors in Texas, then you can look for it on the internet. You can go through the various websites of different colleges in the state and you will come across various Yes Tutoring Texas tutors as well as the private tutors who are operating in different parts of the state. You will also come across the Yes Tutoring tutors who have already provided tutoring services to students in your area.While searching for the Yes Tutoring Texas tutors, it is better to check whether the tutors are licensed to operate or not. You can do so by asking your local or state police authorities. The tutors should be working under the supervision of the respective department and should also have proper licensing.You will come across several Yes Tutoring Texas tutors who are licensed to give tutoring services for special courses like math, science, chemistry and even computer courses. You can look for these tutor s on the online sites of the schools or colleges where they provide their tutoring services.You can also contact Yes Tutoring Texas through email, call them or visit their official website. You can also ask for the service details, fee structure and such other information. Once you have done all these things, you can compare their rates from different sources and then select one among them.Students in Massachusetts, Texas and any other state can avail Yes Tutoring services to assist them in their studies. They help in enhancing their academic performance and in the process help students who have limited financial resources.

Friday, March 20, 2020

The Organic Chemistry Tutor Conduction

The Organic Chemistry Tutor ConductionThe Organic Chemistry Tutor Conduction is an online course that teaches the principles of organic chemistry in a fun and interactive manner. The subject is interesting, engaging and easy to learn. If you are one of those individuals who are interested in becoming a professor, then this course would be a perfect fit for you. It can give you a great chance to make a fresh start and with new ideas and students.The course will not only help you develop skills in your field but it can also give you some ideas about how you can connect with your students. By presenting chemical concepts in a nice way, the Organic Chemistry Tutor Conduction can give you a more personal approach to teaching. To make this work for you, you will have to have a thorough knowledge of the concepts that are being taught. By learning the subject, you will be able to clarify and explain the concepts in a clearer manner. It will also give you a stronger foundation to build upon a s you advance in your career.By taking the Organic Chemistry Tutor Conduction, you can expect to gain knowledge on many different types of solvents. This is very important since the different solvents can have different effects on the chemical reactions. You can also learn about reactions that take place with certain elements in your laboratory. This allows you to understand the effects of these elements in your laboratory. You will also be taught about ion exchange and ion pumping in a fun and interactive manner.With the help of the device described in the course, you can conduct experiments on such element. To do this, you can use an ion exchange kit. After reading the book on the chemistry topic, you can easily make an electronic ion exchange using a rechargeable lithium battery. Other components used in the course include a variety of test tubes, a radioactive element that reacts with iodine, magnesium powder, potassium chloride, a dilute acid, a bromine tracer, and a filler. Al l these components are required to conduct some research.If you want to learn more about laboratory safety, you can read the book titled 'Lab Safety for Students' by Dr. Norman Sparling. This book is a good reference that explains how to effectively keep a laboratory safe. The use of gloves and face masks are also covered in the book. It also discusses the steps to take to prevent exposure to radioactive substances.If you are interested in a subject that can give you a break from the usual field of study, then this is a course that will surely help you. You can learn chemistry in a fun and interactive manner. You can make a new career in a college or university. You can also start your own business if you want to make an extra income.Overall, the Organic Chemistry Tutor Conduction is a course that will help you expand your knowledge and improve your knowledge as well. When you finish the course, you will have a good foundation to build upon.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Learn to Win With Pokemon Silver

Learn to Win With Pokemon SilverPokemon Silver Trainer is an old tutor in this age of internet marketing. Many trainers are into the genre, but not many are masters of it. This is one of the best resources to increase your income in online gaming with Silver.Pokemon Silver, Trainer, has been around for a while now. It first came out about four years ago. Although there are many who claim to be masters of this game, there aren't many that will actually recommend it as their top game. Well, there are no more than a handful of those that would recommend this particular game.For those that are good at the game, they have been able to make millions of dollars off of the top trainer. The only problem with that is that, as more people are offered this strategy guide to earning extra money with Pokemon, the popularity of the game is increasing.What makes Pokemon Silver Trainer so much more popular? It is because the top trainers can earn money with this game. That is why it is more appealing to the masses and more profitable to the elite trainers.Pokemon Silver is not even the easiest game to learn how to play. It takes some time and money to master. That is why so many trainers have been forced to quit and start learning from free games instead.Of course, there are still those that will try their luck on Pokemon Silver. However, the newbie players, as well as veterans are more likely to continue playing on newer games.So if you want to be a Trainer that can earn thousands of dollars a day, then Silver is the right game to play. There are many guides to teach you how to succeed as a Trainer, but thereisn't any one for winning as well.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Latin American Geopolitics

Latin American Geopolitics How Will Latin American Geopolitics Shape the 21st Century? ChaptersLatin America’s BeginningsLatin America as She Stands NowThe Region’s Heavy HittersWho Is Contributing to Latin Countries’ Development?When you think of Latin American exports, what comes to mind?Dances, you might think: steamy tangos and sassy salsas. Or music: just now, YouTube Latin music videos rank among the most-streamed.And, of course, food. These days, one can find a Mexican restaurant just about anywhere in the UK, and Argentine beef is legendary for its succulence and tenderness.And how about an ice-cold Corona with a wedge of lime to go with that steak?All of this makes Latin America sound like a dream holiday destination â€" which, in fact, it is.From the clear waters off Costa Rica to the picturesque ports of Saint Lucia, those of us keen for a tropical paradise inevitably head toward the Caribbean or elsewhere in Latin America.Is that all there is to Latin America? A few holiday snaps and the echo of sultry songs?Quite the contrary! Countries in Latin Amer ica, long ignored on the world stage, are starting to come into their own.Latin America has collectively been seen as economically weak â€" in spite of her vast resources, there was little potential for development. For those reasons and more, historically, nobody really saw the need to look closer at those countries and dependencies... but those ideas are changing.Slowly, other governments are beginning to see the value in Latin America’s vast resources and are pouring money into those countries’ coffers for infrastructure improvements as well as industrial projects.Is Latin America, long ignored on the global stage, on the rise?Your Superprof takes a look at global factors impacting Latin America and that region’s geopolitical effects on the wider world.The tropical climate and seemingly impassable jungle terrain made South America’s interior virtually inaccessible.Central America has a different story to tell.Relatively early, European powers saw potential in Panama; if o nly they could create a shipping lane across that narrow land, they could avoid navigating around the dangerous Straits of Magellan!The flurry of foreign money and resources that poured into that country during the phases of canal building did much to put the spotlight in Central America.Unfortunately, tropical heat and disease did much to dissuade those wealthy entities from further development in that country or anywhere else in Latin America.They packed up their tools, took their money and technological savvy, and left Latin America to fend for itself.How do geopolitics in the Middle East compare to Latin America's?Latin America as She Stands NowFor a long time, crime and violence stalled development in Latin America.As individual Latin American countries transitioned from authoritarian to democratic rule, juntas, gangs and drug cartels took over even basic civic institutions such as public education, policing and government.This has led to a vicious circle: with minimal educatio n, there are few job opportunities; with no work, people turn to crime and, as violence escalates, fewer international entities entertain the idea of investing or trading in the region.Through this constant cycle of action and reaction, the wealth gap in Latin American countries grows ever wider until, stretched to its breaking point, economies snap, plunging countries into chaos and driving citizens to flee.Venezuela is a particularly dramatic example of such.Once a wealthy land through oil exports, President Chavez launched several social reforms, promoting education and social welfare programmes.  His hand-picked successor has upended those fragile gains.Under Nicholas Maduro’s tenure, the country’s oil industry â€" its main economic driver, all but collapsed. Further plundering of the state-owned natural gas and oil coffers led to a profound economic recession.Sanctions placed on Venezuela by other countries have further impacted the country’s economic viability. Added to that financial crisis is the lack of confidence in the government, caused by Maduro’s ever stronger hold on government affairs.The Venezuelan crisis is affecting all of the neighbouring countries; from Columbia, which temporarily opened her borders so Venezuelans can buy needed goods to those impacted by migration of the Venezuelan people looking for new horizons.That’s all the bad sides; now let’s look at the good things driving Latin American geopolitics.Find out how geopolitics in Russia compare to Latin America's...At one time, Venezuela was Latin America's richest nation; now the people are in crisis Image by David Mark from PixabayThe Region’s Heavy HittersWhile all eyes are on the Venezuelan crisis, elsewhere in Latin America, things are getting rosier.Without a doubt, Latin America is a land rich in natural resources and there are plenty of people available to work them.Historically, the heat and humidity discouraged foreign speculation in the region: how could anyon e work in those conditions?  Now, with climate control well within reach, other countries are thinking: why not set up shop in Latin America?The second stumbling block to that idea was intra-national transportation.Latin American countries typically being underdeveloped and not necessarily on friendly terms with their neighbouring nations, any industry in the middle of South America would not have ready access to international shipping lanes.Even Brazil, as large and diverse as she is, did not exactly have the roads and rails to transport finished goods produced inland to the various seaports they would ship out of.That is why there is now intense focus on infrastructure â€" building facilities, roads and railways, throughout Latin America.Naturally, those ventures provide jobs which, in turn, stimulate the economy of individual countries and the region as a whole.As far as energy production, Latin America has it all over the rest of the world; not just for her vast reserves of oil but in renewable energy resources that she is already making ample use of.Paraguay exports 90% of the energy it generates at their massive hydroelectric facilitiesother Central American countries draw 65% of their energy from hydro resourcesAndean countries are overwhelmingly powered by solar and wind energythose countries include Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and VenezuelaThe Caribbean countries also rely on renewable resourcesFrom this standpoint alone, we can see why other nations are contemplating investment in Latin America.How do all of these aspects play into geopolitics? Get an introduction to the subject now...With the help for foreign investment and trade, many Latin American cities will resemble Bogotá Image by Jerzy Andrzej Kucia from PixabayWho Is Contributing to Latin Countries’ Development?One would expect the United States, Latin America’s closest neighbour, to spearhead investment and development in the region.As it seems that American interests lie elsewhere for now, other nations are eagerly pursuing free trade agreements, both with individual countries and trade blocs that encompass several countries in Latin America.Mercosur is one such pact; it serves Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil. They have recently entered into a trade agreement with the European Union, an arrangement that will benefit everyone.Whereas Japan has longstanding ties with Latin America in general, China is now pouring investment capital into select countries’ infrastructure and modernisation. To wit, several Chinese companies recently bid on Brazil’s planned expansion of their railroad system.While the Chinese may have a way to go before they can sway Brazilian officials away from their ties with Japan, they are on track to influence Caribbean nations.Through disaster relief as well as trade deals, loans and investments, China is making its mark in Latin America, almost so quietly that it has gone without notice.Does China's competition with Japan in Lat in America have anything to do with geopolitics in Asia?Naturally, Russian diplomacy in Latin America is making great strides; theirs is a symbiotic relationship that cannot be overlooked.Latin America, essentially ignored until recently as a global political and economic entity, and Russia, politically and economically shunned by European and American leaders have found that, together, they can bolster each other's global standing.Trade deals, arms and technology have made their way from Russia into Nicaragua, Cuba and Bolivia, effectively giving Mr Putin acceptance and validation to balance out the global criticism of his domestic and international policies.It also provides him with a back door into European and American politics - a possibility that some might say has sinister overtones.What do European geopolitics have to do with Russia?Finally, South African involvement in Latin America has grown over the last 15 years, specifically with Mexico, Cuba and Brazil; with Peru unvei ling a plan to boost ties with several African countries.Africa and Latin America have several points in common, from the mining of raw materials to being largely overlooked in global affairs.A look at African geopolitics shows that their main focus for trade and relations remains the northern hemisphere; a position which essentially renders Latin America a competitor because that region’s goals are the same.Unlike other regions around the globe â€" Asia and in particular the Middle East, Europe and Africa, Latin America’s impact on world politics and economy has been minimal â€" and mostly overshadowed by her low place on the global peace index.That contrasts sharply with those countries’ recent advances in the energy and industry sectors.Now, wealthier countries are casting avid eyes on the riches to be had in Latin America, till now largely untapped, and are fairly tripping over themselves to be among the first providers of capital and service in order to reap the largest g ains.Only time will tell whether Latin American countries’ leaders will be compelled to ‘sell to the highest bidder’ or whether she will find her place as a global power.Now take a closer look at geopolitics around the world...

4 Things to Do the First Week of Classes

4 Things to Do the First Week of Classes Ready or not, here come the first week of classes! While it may seem like you just sat down for your last final exams, there are plenty of things to start doing the first week of classes, like going back-to-school shopping for new study supplies and re-starting those morning alarms. But if you want this semester to be your best one ever, you need to kick off some more in-depth initiatives the first week of classes to ensure you start off strong. By doing the following four things the first week of classes, youll lay the foundation for a stellar continuation of the school year. 1. Meet with your instructors the first week of classes It can be easy to avoid one-on-one contact with your new teachers or professors until you absolutely need their help, and many students end up taking this approach. However, one of the best things you can do during your first week of classes is establish a relationship with your instructors so they know your face and name. Visit your professors office hours to introduce yourself, and let them know how excited you are for the spring semester. A little effort can go a long way! Face-to-face time with your instructor is necessary for a great student-teacher rapport, and that can later lead to more effective assistance with exam prep, or perhaps a needed letter of recommendation. 2. During your first week of classes, evaluate and make new goals Before you decide how youre going to make your new semester a great one, you need to evaluate how your last semester went. To start, make a list of things that went well: Did you get great grades on your papers? Did you do a good job balancing your school work with your internship or part-time job? Next, think about specifically what you did to be good at those thingsthese strategies, habits, and tactics are what you should make a point to continue into the new semester. [RELATED: New Years Resolutions for Students] After that part of your self-reflection is complete, consider the things that didnt go so well. Did you fail to study well ahead of time for midterms and finals? Did you often sleep through your 8a.m. lecture? When you think about the things that didnt go as well as you hoped, you can identify what negative habits may have contributed to them and make a point to avoid those this semester. Once youve completed this part of your self-reflection as well, you can begin to make tailored goals to improve your weak areas and continue to strengthen your positive ones. 3. Master your schedule for your first week of classes For some students, this may seem like an easy taskbut it is still vitally important. Getting used to a new schedule can be difficult, especially for college students who are running between multiple buildings on campus. Classes may be starting way earlier than youre used to, or ending later into the evening. Knowing when you have time to study is one of the keys to your success this semester. Plan out chunks of time you have on campus that you can spend in the library or at a professors office hours, and evaluate how many extracurricular activities you can take on. Ensure you also know exactly where your various classes are on campusyou might have some classes at a new building youve never been to before, so consider checking it out on an off day. Dont wait too long before figuring these things out! 4. Throughout your first week of classes, get ahead where you can The first week of the semester may be known as syllabus week, when instructors spend the majority of the time reviewing the semesters schedule and dont necessarily assign any reading or assignments. Instead of using this down time to completely relax, try to get ahead on some of your reading, or start an organizational system to get all of your assignment deadlines and test dates in place. Get these things laid out in a planner or calendar now so you wont have to worry about figuring them out later when youre busy with all of your classwork. Double-check that you have the following items as well: required textbooks any supplemental materials requested by professors extra pens and pencils notebooks and folders for each class Lastly, prepare for any other needs you anticipate. Do you know youll need a tutor in advanced biology? Look into biology tutoring and start making those arrangements while you have the free time. Hoping to gain the benefits of group studying this year? Start reaching out to classmates to gauge whos interested. Your future self will thank you! Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at blog@varsitytutors.com.

Are You Bragging or Self-Promoting - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Are You Bragging or Self-Promoting - Introvert Whisperer Are You Bragging or Self-Promoting? Often times when we’re with a mindless bragger we think that because they are doing all of that boastful chatter that they must be perceived as a real winner.   Bragging really isn’t that effective.   Sure, some of it may do some good to help that person get ahead, but generally, most people don’t care to listen to that sort of thing very long. You can self-promote without coming across as a bragging jerk.   Also, people are attracted to others who are confident, which means asserting your personal brand by self-promotion a good thing to do.   Let’s detail out some of the things you can do to self-promote while avoiding being a bragger: Look for opportunities.  You can easily update your boss and peers in the hallway, staff meeting or even by writing status reports.   Look for ways to let people know what you’re up to. Stay modest.    One of the obvious characteristics of being a bragger is a sense of arrogance.   One of the biggest signs is using “I” way too much.   If you’re concerned you could be viewed as bragging, adopt a tactic of using “we” when you speak of accomplishments when at all possible. Stay balanced.    Part of the reason we dislike braggers is they drone on way too much about how wonderful they are or details about something they did.   Keep your comments brief and everyone will appreciate it.   You can be very impactful with just a couple of well thought out sentences. Use well-placed words.     All it takes sometimes is one word.   When you have a clear image of your personal branding, one well-placed word injected in what you’re saying will reinforce or extend your brand.   Here is an example: “I champion and recruit talent.”  Notice the word champion.   It completely enriches what you know about that person. Keep to the facts.    When what you are saying is simple, straightforward information, it isn’t bragging, nor will it be perceived that way. Communicate your accomplishments.   You are the only one who really knows.    When we think our work speaks for itself, what we are doing is hoping someone will notice.   Hoping isn’t a good strategy for career growth.   You are the only one who truly knows what you’ve done, which means it must be you who communicates the information about your accomplishments. Keep people in the loop.    It is good for you both.   Other people will benefit by knowing about what you’ve done or can do.   You are a resource and you can help people understand what you can do for them or with them. Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective. But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

The Best Drum Books for Beginners

The Best Drum Books for Beginners Timeless Works to Help You Become a Drummer ChaptersCan You Learn to Drum with the Help of a Book?Basic Drumming VocabularyStick Control for the Snare Drummer by George Lawrence StoneTime Functioning Patterns by Gary ChaffeeMaster Studies by Joe MorelloThe Language of Drumming by Benny Greb4-Way Coordination: A Method Book for the Development of Complete Independence on the Drum Set by  Marvin Dahlgren and Elliot FineAfrican Rhythms and Independence for Drumset by Mokhtar SambaThe Best Books on Different Musical StylesDrumming Definitions“Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.” - Ludwig van BeethovenNearly half of all internet users use a streaming service to listen to music.Could you use it to teach yourself how to play the drums?Maybe, but it’d be difficult. You'll need more resources than that!A lot of drummers are self-taught including John Bonham, Buddy Rich, and Keith Moon. In fact, Keith Moon was calling himself a drummer before he even had a drum kit!How did they learn?Buddy Rich learnt by l istening and used his sense of rhythm to help him along.  John Bonham and Keith Moon must have learnt some basic techniques.Learning to play the drums outside of a music school and without a music tutor isn’t for everyone.  In this article, we're going to look at a few books that every drummer should consider investing in in order to improve their playing.Future Sounds by David Garibaldi: This is great for rhythm and control.The Basics of Jazz DrummingJazz drumming isn’t for everyone, especially not beginners. However, if you want to give it a go, here are a few useful books that should definitely have a home on your bookshelf.Advanced Techniques for the Modern Drummer by Jim Chapin: This legendary book can help you become a jazz drummer. However, it is one of the most difficult books.The Art of Bop Drumming by John Riley: For learning modern jazz drumming.Modern Rudimental Swing Solos by Charley Wilcoxon: For learning swing rudiments.Learning Snare Drum TechniqueTo learn some s nare drum rudiments, Buddy Rich can help!Check out Buddy Rich’s Modern Interpretation of Snare Drum Rudiments by Buddy Rich and Henry Adler.After all, Buddy Rich is probably the greatest drummer of all time.Drumming DefinitionsWhether you're a beginner, intermediate, or expert drummer, when you learn to play drums, you’ll also need to learn the lingo.In a few of our articles on drumming, we've included a short glossary on drumming terms to help you on your way. If you want to become fluent in drumming, you're just going to have to read all our articles on the drums!Playing, anywhere and at any time, is the best way to improve. (Source: StockSnap)Tension RodThis is a metal part that attaches to the drum that helps hold the skin onto the drum.ForteForte means to play loudly. It’s the opposite of piano, which means quietly.

Solving Calculus Problems Tutors

Solving Calculus Problems Tutors Calculus is one of the most useful and important branch of Mathematics. Calculus is the study of functions and its different characteristics. Calculus has its own set of different formulas and methods used to solve various questions Calculus is applied to find the lengths, areas, volumes, graphs etc. of 2-D and 3-D shapes by using techniques of Differentiation and Integration. Calculus consists of two sub-branches which are called as Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus. Example 1: Find the derivative of the function, f(x) = 5x3 + 2x2. Solution: To find the derivative, the Power rule of the Derivatives says that: d(xn)/dx = n * xn-1 First step: We can distribute the derivative to both the terms: This gives; d (5x3 + 2x2)/ dx = [ d(5x3)/ dx ] + [ d(2x2)/ dx ] Using the above formula, we get: (5 *3 * x3-1) + (2 * 2 * x2-1) = (15 * x3-1) + (4 * x2-1) = (15 * x2) + (4 * x1) = (15 x2) + (4x) Hence the derivative of f(x) is f(x) = 15 x2 + 4x. Example 2: Find the anti-derivative of the function f(x) = 20 - x? Solution: Here the given function is f(x) = 20 - x. Power rule states anti-derivative of xn is equal to xn+1/(n+1). The anti-derivative of x is 1/2 x2. Using the power rule the anti-derivative of 20 needs to be found. 20 can be written as 20x0. Therefore, the anti-derivative of 20 x0 is 20x1. Hence anti derivative F(x) = 20 x -1/2 x2.

How to Conquer Your Public Speaking Nerves - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Conquer Your Public Speaking Nerves - Introvert Whisperer How to Conquer Your Public Speaking Nerves Whether youre a first-year student or a seasoned professional with years of work experience, public speaking is a common fear that can affect anyone. Even politicians and celebrities suffer from stage fright, so the good news is that it doesn’t have to stop you from having a successful career. Whilst it could take time and practice to conquer your nerves, once you’ve got to grips with the basics, your new found confidence will definitely come in handy when it comes to going to job interviews and giving presentations. The Science Bit Glossophobia is the fancy name for a phobia of speaking in public, and whilst your fear might not be a full-blown phobia, identifying why you’re feeling nervous is the first step in your battle to becoming a more confident public speaker. There are all sorts of reasons that anxiety can set in before speaking in public. When we feel were in a threatening situation, our body goes into fight or flight mode which triggers feelings of panic. And whilst delivering a presentation to a room full of people might not be life-threatening, it can still be pretty overwhelming. Humans are sensitive souls and when all eyes are on you its perfectly normal to feel concerned about stumbling over your words or dropping your notes. Face Your Fears There’s a whole wealth of research out there suggesting that the best way to get over your fears is to face them head-on. In his TED Talk entrepreneur and best selling author Tim Ferriss says “fear is an indicator. Sometimes it shows you what you shouldn’t do. More often than not it shows you exactly what you should do”. Susan Jeffer’s best-selling book ‘Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway’ advocates a similar concept and gives practical advice for turning negative thoughts and feelings into ones of power and positivity. Practice Makes Perfect The old adage ‘practice makes perfect’ definitely rings true for public speaking. If you feel more prepared and confident then youre less likely to feel panicky on the day. Practice in front of the mirror, your family, your cat. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Getting some honest feedback may help too (your cat might not be able to help you with that one though). Your nerves may not disappear overnight but research shows that by exposing ourselves to fear, the less intimidating it becomes over time. You never know, you might even end up enjoying it! Organise Your Way to Confidence Feeling calm and in control can do big things for overcoming your public speaking anxieties. If youre going for a job interview then really familiarise yourself with the job role and the company’s background, products and culture. Worrying about tough interview questions might be making you nervous, so look at the job spec and personal requirements and try to anticipate the sorts of things that they might ask you. If youre making a presentation then check through your any digital slides you’ve prepared and print out a few emergency notes in case of technical issues. The name of the game is that it’s always better to be over prepared than under prepared!     And… Relax The night before your public speaking gig, try and get lots of sleep and do whatever helps you relax. Everybody is different when it comes to relaxation techniques but try to find something that works for you whether that’s going for a brisk walk, reading a book or having a long hot soak in the bath. Author Bio Emily Valentine writes for Inspiring Interns, which specialises in sourcing candidates for  internships and graduate jobs. Go to top Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.  I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.  In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression. Get your copy now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer